Native Unix Monitoring in LoadRunner

Native Unix Monitoring in LoadRunner

I often encounter an age-old hassle over monitoring servers and infrastructure under test. Being a performance engineer, I need to see system resources for the application in real-time as a test is running. Sometimes the company does not know about all the...

LoadRunner TruClient Best Practices

LoadRunner TruClient Best Practices

A few weeks ago, I released the LoadRunner Best Practices for Scripting, Testing, Analysis, and Organization which you can find by clicking here. I received a lot of feedback from the community, and it went over pretty well. Someone requested that I create one for the...

LoadRunner Best Practices

LoadRunner Best Practices

I’ve been using LoadRunner since version 4.0 (wow, has it been that long already). Over the years, I’ve learned from the many mistakes made on prior projects and engagements. Many of my friends who are also performance engineers have learned some of the...